About Cyberland



Since several people of the international Java community asked me about Cyberland I decided to publish some English information about the event. In this post, you can find all currently available information about Cyberland.

What is Cyberland?

based on the cancelation of the JavaLand conference we (the German JUG community) decided to organize a free remote event as at least a small replacement for JavaLand. This event that is called ‘Cyberland’ will offer a 100% online conference. Cyberland will take place next Tuesday (March 17, 2020). German information about JavaLand can be found on the page of the CyberJUG.


What content can I expect?

Since today the schedule of Cyberland is online and I’m more than happy to announce that we will have 2 streams in parallel on the whole day :)

The timetable looks like this:

9:00 Welcome & Keynote
Cyberland-Orga / Keynote by Carola Lilienthal
10:00 Hybride Architekturen: Die Post-Microservice-Realität
Eberhard Wolff
Not Dead yet – Java on Desktop
Gerrit Grunwald
11:00 Java After Eight
Nicolai Parlog
Implementierung der DDD-Patterns mit Spring
Michael Plöd
12:00 5 Dinge für erfolgreiche Remote-Arbeit
Sven Peters
Testcontainers: a Year-in-review
Kevin Wittek
13:00 Todesursache: Hibernate
Thorben Janssen
Spezifikationstesten mit Spock vs. Mutationstesten
Johannes Dienst & Ralf Müller
14:00 Principles of Continuous Delivery and DevOps
Bert Jan Schrijver
Knative introduction for the curious Java Developer
Roland Huss
15:00 Service Mesh patterns
Alex Soto
Mögen die Tests mit dir sein
Jochen Mader
16:00 Asciidoctor Deep Dive
Alexander Schwartz
Kommunikation für Softwareentwickler und alle anderen
Jens Schauder
17:00 Developing w/ Kubernetes
Ray Tsang
API-Kompatibilität durch Consumer-Driven Contracts und CI/CD
Arne Limburg
18:00 Verabschiedung

As you can see several of the talks are German since we decided to only add talks that were planned for JavaLand 2020. But since JavaLand always tries to offer a good mix between German and international / Englisch talks you can find 4 Englisch session in the schedule. Since Cyberland will be 100% free you might want to join 1 or 2 of them. Next to this we plan to record and publish all talks. Based on this you can easily watch them later if you can not attend on Tuesday.

What is the benefit against just watching recorded talks on YouTube?

For sure a 100% online conference won’t have the same experience as a regular conference. Based on this we decided to add some effort to make the experience as good as possible. We will have moderators in each room that collect questions from the audience and will do a live interview with each speaker after a session. Every attendee can simply ask questions in a chat. The moderator will target your questions and we can create a communication between the audience and the speaker. Next to this the moderators can help attendees with problems and answer general questions.

Hendrik Ebbers

Hendrik Ebbers is the founder of Open Elements. He is a Java champion, a member of JSR expert groups and a JavaOne rockstar. Hendrik is a member of the Eclipse JakartaEE working group (WG) and the Eclipse Adoptium WG. In addition, Hendrik Ebbers is a member of the Board of Directors of the Eclipse Foundation.

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