DLT & Digital Trust Lecture

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Since 2023 Hendrik Ebbers has been offering the lecture ‘Distribution Ledger Technology and Digital Trust’. Currently, the lecture is held as a teaching assignment at OTH Regensburg.

The lecture deals with the basics of Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) and provides the necessary knowledge to develop DLT-based systems.

Excerpt of the lecture from the course catalog of the OTH Regensburg

The lecture provides a basic understanding of distributed ledger technologies. In addition to the technical basics of cryptocurrencies, more advanced approaches such as smart contracts and NFTs. The following points are discussed in detail:

  • History and background of Bitcoin and distributed ledger technologies
  • Implementation of blockchains and mining of cryptocurrencies
  • Tokens and NFTs
  • Possible applications of distributed ledger technologies
  • Use and integration of public distributed ledger technologies
  • Smart contracts and the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)

Student opinion on the lecture

Fabian Geyer

Masterstudent OTH Regensburg

The subject of blockchain, which can be chosen as a subject-specific compulsory elective module at the Faculty of Computer Science/Mathematics, provides an insight into the topic of digital currencies. The history is also briefly discussed, but above all the technical side is dealt with quickly. The division into block courses enables students to develop a deeper understanding, sometimes in teams with several fellow students. The programming aspect of the subject creates a highly interesting seminar in which both crypto enthusiasts and conventional software developers get their money's worth. With his open and direct manner, Hendrik Ebbers creates a relaxed but productive working atmosphere in which students enjoy actively participating and contributing to the seminar. Personally, I really enjoyed the subject despite initially having fewer technical points of contact. I would make the same choice again.

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