Graphical element that underlines the text

Graphical element that underlines the text


Gaming & Web3 - How an Open and Secure Future of Ownership in Games Could Look

The use of Web3 technologies in the gaming industry is still in its infancy. In this article, I want to take a closer look at non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and their usability for video games and consider what further standardizations are needed to realize the promise of game-independent assets.


Open Source Java

Ist Java eigentlich Open Source? Und wie spielt das OpenJDK damit zusammen? In diesem Artikel beschreibe ich warum Open Source und dessen Wartung so wichtig für Unternehmen ist und wie Java sich in diesem Bereich schlägt.


Open Elements 2023 - ein Jahr des digitalen Durchbruchs und der Markendefinition

Recap 2023 – Open Elements' Errungenschaften: Markenlaunch, führende Rolle in der Eclipse Foundation, Java-Engagement und nachhaltige Initiativen


Performance of Java Logging

For Java, there is an abundance of different logging libraries and possibilities to output log messages. But which of them are really performant?


Minimal Support for the Java Module System

The Java Module System remains an underutilized feature in the development of applications and libraries, despite its often straightforward entry point. Anyway, more and more libraries provide support for the module system. Based on that it might make sense to learn how you can add support to your project.


Java Without Headaches: Distributions and Support Beyond Oracle

There isn't just one provider for Java distributions and support. Gartner has analyzed the options in a report, and Oracle doesn't fare well. If you are searching for a good alternative to a costly Oracle contract, this post gives insights into alternative OpenJDK builds and Java distributions.


Logging Facades for Java

Logging is an important part of error analysis. However, consolidating different logging libs in Java applications is always a challenge. If you want to know how several different logging libs in a single application can be handled, this post is for you.

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