Temurin Support & Care

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In an increasingly digitalized world, Java™ has established itself as one of the most popular and widespread programming languages. Therefore, it’s all the more important to be able to rely on professional support for the development and maintenance of Java applications, ensuring they are secure.

Eclipse Temurin™ is a Java runtime environment based on OpenJDK™ and distributed by the Eclipse Foundation under an open-source license. Eclipse Temurin is a key project of the Adoptium® Working Group, which develops and provides high-quality products and technologies for the Java ecosystem. With over 10 million downloads per month, Eclipse Temurin is the most widely used Java runtime environment in the world. OpenElements has significantly contributed to this success as a member of the Adoptium Working Group. Our founder Hendrik Ebbers is a founding member of Adoptium and a member of the Technical Steering Committee (TSC) of its predecessor, AdoptOpenJDK.

Purchasing OpenElements Temurin Support & Care provides you with a variety of benefits that enhance the performance and security of your Java applications and optimize your development process. As a member of Adoptium and with our exceptional network within OpenElements, we directly contribute to its development. Through our activities in the Java and Open Source ecosystem, we can provide you with information and insights into the current and future developments within the Eclipse Adoptium Working Group and the OpenJDK. For more details, please visit our activities in the Java and Open Source ecosystem.

Professional Support

With the purchase of OpenElements Temurin Support & Care, you gain access to a team of experts who specialize in Java, OpenJDK, and the Temurin distribution. You benefit from fast, reliable, and personal assistance with technical issues, implementation questions, or other challenges.

Knowledge Transfer and Training

Another advantage of OpenElements Temurin Support & Care is access to essential know-how and expertise on Eclipse Adoptium and OpenJDK. You’ll have the opportunity to efficiently train your development team in the latest Java technologies and tools and get firsthand information on current developments in the Java ecosystem.

High-quality and Enhanced Documentation

OpenElements Temurin Support & Care not only provides you with direct access to experienced Java experts, but it also offers improved and comprehensive documentation of all Eclipse Adoptium projects in both German and English. This documentation is tailored based on our customers’ needs and helps you exploit the full potential of Temurin.

Support for the Open Source Community

At OpenElements we’re proud not only to provide top-notch support for Eclipse Temurin, but also actively contribute to the further development of Temurin and other Adoptium Working Group projects. We believe the success of open source projects like Temurin is based on the collaboration and commitment of the entire community. That’s why we invest a portion of the profits from OpenElements Temurin Support & Care directly into the open source community.

Custom Docker Containers for Optimal Flexibility

OpenElements Temurin Support & Care also offers customized Docker containers tailored perfectly to our customers’ needs. They contain the latest versions of Temurin and can also include additional Java tools like Maven. We ensure regular updates and maintenance, so our customers always stay up to date and can deploy their Java applications flexibly and efficiently in the cloud or in local environments.

Early Warnings and Security Updates

IT security is of central importance for every company. OpenElements Temurin Support & Care ensures that you’re promptly informed about relevant security updates and patches and can install them in a timely manner. Thus, you reduce the risk of security vulnerabilities and proactively protect your applications from potential threats.

Stability and Reliability

OpenElements Temurin Support & Care ensures that your Java applications run on a stable and reliable platform. Through continuous support, you receive updates and bug fixes that improve the performance of your applications and identify and fix potential issues early.

Cost Savings and Increased Efficiency

With OpenElements Temurin Support & Care, you achieve time savings as well as long-term cost savings. By continuously improving and maintaining your applications based on Eclipse Adoptium products, you reduce the risk of security vulnerabilities, minimize system downtime, and accelerate your development processes while simultaneously increasing the efficiency and productivity of your team.

Advance Information on Updates and Releases

With OpenElements Temurin Support & Care, you get early access to information about upcoming updates and releases. This allows you to better plan and ensure that your systems are always up-to-date, improving the performance.

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